Wednesday, September 5, 2012

0 Duty-Bound and Dauntless

By Ian Joseph Riñon

God calls each one of us to serve Him in all ways and means possible.  Young people are expected by society to lead the nation in the years to come. But as Catholic Filipinos, we are also duty-bound to do this in the context of truth and charity–and often, sacrifice.

We are called to sacrifice because the Lord Himself did so in Cavalry two millennia ago. He set the standards and the example of utmost emptying in order for us to imitate Him.

In the end, our reward will be nothing less than eternal life.

The Catholic youth of today are duty-bound to evangelize in a fast-paced, secular world. Pedro Calungsod did just that — with the shedding of his blood.

“Be not afraid!”, Blessed John Paul II, Calungsod’s beatifier, reiterated these words from the Scriptures in his very first homily as Pope. Pedro Calungsod was dauntless when he stayed by his priest-friend’s side, at the expense of his life. We, too, must be dauntless. We must stand by God and His Church in the pressing issues of our times — liberalism, contraceptive mentality, Sedevacantism, and most of all, secularism.

Blessed John Paul’s successor, Pope Benedict XVI, will canonize Pedro Calungsod, and his patronage will no longer be confined to the archipelago set apart by God in the 16th century. “San Pedro Calungsod de Cebu” — as he will soon be called, will be instrumental for the whole Church in interceding for the youth of this generation and beyond. Who knows? He might be one of the saints on  the roster of World Youth Day patrons in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, come 2013.

About the author

The passionate Ian Joseph Riñon. 19. is the eldest of three children in their family. He also happens to be the youngest Administrator of the Facebook page 100% KATOLIKONG PINOY. Ian is currently a graduating communication arts student at the Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas. He often writes about apologetics, liturgy, and the pro-life movement.

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